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2019 Student Scholarship Fund

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Although it is free for students to attend public schools in Tonga, parents still need to provide school fees for materials and exams, which often they cannot afford. To help needy families overcome this financial burden, Friends of Tonga awards scholarships to the neediest students with their annual school fees. 

At the beginning of each fiscal year, Friends of Tonga awards scholarships to the neediest students with their annual school, uniform, and book fees. The application was shared through social media, Peace Corps and the Ministry of Education. Once the application period ends, FOT's board of directors reviews and selects applications and awards scholarships based on need and merit.  

The scholarship is transferred to the Friends of Tonga Local Program Manager who will personally pay the associated fees to assure that all donations are appropriately handled. FOT will receive receipt of payment which will be posted in our annual financial report to ensure transparency and fidelity.  

Our goal for the 2019 school year was to award 4 scholarships. Thanks to your generous donations we were able to award 11 scholarships! To learn more about the 2019 scholarship recipients please click here

This scholarship fund is now complete. Please donate towards the 2021 Scholarship Fund or to donate to a specific 2019 student, please click here.